Got 60? Graduate!

When you’re closing in on 60 units, it’s time to petition for graduation. This simple form in AccessRío lets the college know that you’re on track to complete all the requirements for your degree or certificate. The form is available in the portal on the first day of each term.

Upcoming deadlines:


  • Spring 2025: Saturday, March 15
  • Summer 2025: Thursday, July 31

Not sure if you’re ready? Here’s what you need to know:

To finalize your Associate of Arts or Associate (AA) or Associate of Applied Science (AAS), you need a total of 60 units. This includes your general education, major requirements, and electives.

If you transferred from another school, at 12 units must be completed at Río Hondo.

You only need to complete the required courses for your specific program.

You can choose to graduate under the requirements that were in place before you started, when you finish, or any time in between. You can even have multiple majors or degrees, as long as you meet all the requirements.