Guidelines for Group Study Rooms

The Library provides seven group study rooms for students who need a space to study, collaborate, and discuss. Each room has a table, 2 white boards, white board markers, and chairs. Preference is given to groups who need to hold group discussions.


  • Only currently enrolled students can reserve a study room with their RHC email by submitting an online booking.
  • Group study rooms may be reserved up to a week in advance.
  • Group study rooms may be reserved for a maximum of two hours per day.
  • If no one arrives within 15 minutes of a reservation time, the reservation may be forfeited.
  • If a group study room is left unattended at any time, a reservation is forfeited automatically.

Usage and Rules

  • No food or drinks are allowed in study rooms (except for water).
  • Due to safety concerns, blocking windows with white boards or other objects is prohibited.
  • Keep an eye on your things: the Library is not responsible for items or personal belongings left unattended in study rooms.
  • Students must keep study room sessions quiet to avoid disturbing others outside: study rooms are not soundproof.
  • Group study rooms are to be used for academic purposes only (i.e., no sleeping, playing video games, etc.).
  • Private, commercial tutors are not allowed to use group study rooms. RHC tutors may use study rooms but should seek to work in spaces within their center, lab, or department/division.
  • Students who use group study rooms are solely responsible for controlling the noise level, keeping the room clean, and, as a courtesy to the next group, erasing whiteboards upon leaving.

Violation of any of these guidelines may result in permanent loss of group study room privileges.