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Some of the services that we offer are

  • Teacher Assistant – Mentor (TeAM) Program  – this is a paid mentee/mentor program which allows our students to connect course content with real-life application by assisting in the classroom and pairing each student w/ a mentor that has traveled through the educational pipeline into teaching.
  • Dual Enrollment – students interested in a teaching career can jumpstart their career by taking 3 of the 4 courses required in the TEACH Pathway while still in high school leading to a Certificate of Achievement in Elementary Teacher Education.
  • Job shadowing program– immerses our students into the world of work where they can get first-hand information about teaching skills and career opportunities. Bringing students into the workplace to see a teacher at work gives them an introduction to the classroom.
  • One-on-one counseling with a designated counselor– our students are encouraged to meet with a designated counselor at least twice a semester to develop an educational plan.
  • Applied Learning & Technology Center (ALT-C) – provides math tutoring services to CTE students.
  • Professional Development Activities– provides faculty and staff development to secondary and post-secondary institutions and business/industry representatives to provide teacher preparation-related information and direction.
  • Transfer information and support to CSULA’s Charter College of Education and Industrial Technology Education Track.
  • TEACH Pathways Information – provides information about the various teaching pathways offered at Rio Hondo College including the Elementary Teacher Education for Transfer.
  • Designated Subjects Credential in CTE Information & Referral  provides information and referral for skilled professionals to obtain their Designated Subjects Credential in CTE.