Welcome to Foster and Kinship Care Education Program (FKCE)
The Foster/Kinship Care Education and Independent Living Programs at Río Hondo College provide quality education, support services, and resources to:
- Resource Parents – also known as Foster/ Resource Parents and Caregivers of children/youth in out-of-home care
Programs used
- Foster/Kinship Care Education (FKCE)
- Youth Empowerment Strategies for Success-Independent Living Program (YESS-ILP)
- Guardian Scholars Program
What is FKCE?
The Foster/Kinship Care Education (FKCE) Program is a statewide program funded through the California Community College Chancellors Office.
FKCE provides a variety of training for Resource Parents (parent education) which are in accordance with the annual renewal training delineated by the State Resource Family Approval (RFA) written directives.
A wide range of class topics are offered in order to meet the educational, emotional, behavioral, and developmental needs of children and youth in out-of-home care.
Pre-Service training*
Pre-Service training is for first-time Certification ONLY. Pre-Service hours cannot be used for the renewal of in-service hours.
Training is available in English and Spanish and throughout the year. This training is mandatory for Resource Parents, Kinship (Relative) Caregivers, or Adoptive Parents who are or wish to care for children/youth with the following special needs:
- Special Care increment (SCI) training for children with emotional/behavioral difficulties and/or Medical challenges Whole Foster
- Family Home (caring for pregnant or parenting youth)
An additional 4 hours of Specialized Training is required that aligns with the needs of the child.
RFA and SCI, (renewal) classes*
English and Spanish offerings are offered on an ongoing basis throughout the year. These classes must be completed yearly by the foster/resource parent or caregiver in order to keep certification current.
The number of required yearly hours varies on rate. Currently, the yearly renewal hours for RFA (Resource Family Approval) are 8 hours, for Special Care Increment renewal training (those who had the D and F rate will use this criterion) is 6 hours and 4 hours for W-Rate (Whole Foster Family Home).
*All classes are Free and are for Resource Parents
Note: Class/training topics, presenters, and dates may change without notice.