Why Join Honors?

Smaller class sizes, priority consideration for transfer to select schools, access to a specialized counselor and more.

Who is Honors For?

The Honors Program is for new and current Río Hondo students who are motivated and have plans to transfer to a four-year university.

Program Benefits

As an Honors student, you will receive the personal support of a motivated and transfer-oriented community, but you’ll also benefit from these exclusive opportunities:

  • Access to Honors counseling appointments
  • Priority registration after you complete two (2) Honors courses
  • Personalized honors counseling
  • Smaller classes, more direct contacts with your instructors
  • RHC’s best students as your classmates
  • Challenging course work to help you prepare for upper division courses
  • Library privileges to several University of California libraries
  • Participation in research conferences
  • Priority consideration for admission to UCLA through the Transfer Alliance Program
  • Priority consideration for admission to several public and private universities. View a comprehensive list of our Transfer Partners