Extended Opportunity Programs and Services
EOP&S/CARE/NextUp is a comprehensive program committed to providing compassionate, innovative, above and beyond services to students facing economic and educational challenges. Our mission is to work in partnership with students and the campus community to enable students to fulfill their highest educational potential.
EOP&S/CARE/NextUp Spring 2025 application is now open!
Our Programs

EOP&S stands for the Extended Opportunity Programs & Services. EOP&S assists students who are economically and educationally disadvantaged.

CARE stands for the Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education. CARE assists EOP&S students who are single parents, receiving cash-aid from CalWORKs or TANF.

NextUp assists EOP&S students who are eligible current and former foster youth.
Eligibility and Services
- Must be a California Resident or AB540 eligible/California Dream Act
- Be enrolled full-time 12 units at RHC (some exceptions apply)
- Qualify for Promise Grant Waiver A or B or C/$O EFC
- 70 degree applicable units or less
- Be economically and educationally disadvantaged as determined by the EOP&S Program
- Priority registration for continuing students
- Counseling Services/Educational Planning
- Academic Probation Intervention
- Book Services
- School Supplies
- Laptop/Voice Recorder & Scientific Calculator Loan Program
- Career Assessments
- Meal Vouchers
- Free Printing
- Cap and gown purchased for graduates
- EOPS eligible
- Single parent/head of household
- Currently receiving TANF/CalWORKs assistance (cash aid)
- Must be 18 years of age or older
- Have a child 17 years of age or younger
- Motivational and Informational Workshops
- CARE Grants
- *Subject to funding
- Gas Subsidy Cards
- Agency and County Referrals
- Single Parent Conferences
- Case Management and Advocacy
- Family Seasonal Events
- Fundraising events
- In addition to over and above services
- Have been in the foster care system at any point on or after your 13th birthday
- 25 years of age or younger
- Monthly grants
- Additional funds to buy required textbooks
- Additional funds to buy required school supplies
- Meal vouchers
- Counseling services (academic, personal, and career counseling)
- Graduation cap and gown and stole
- Referrals to campus and community resources
Quick Links
Contact Us
Extended Opportunity Programs & Services
Location: Student Services SS240
Phone: (562) 908-3423
Email: [email protected]
Fall Office Hours
Monday through Tuesday
8:00am to 6:00pm
Wednesday through Thursday
8:00am to 5:00pm
8:00am to 2:00pm