In addition to experience teaching in the classroom, our computer information technology faculty have professional work experience in networking, programming and cybersecurity. They are able to bring practical examples into the classroom to further enhance your learning experience.

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Brenda Harlow
[email protected]

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Shin Liu
[email protected]

Rudy Rios
[email protected]

Sinisa Bijelic

Part-Time Faculty

Elma Hartunian
e[email protected]

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Alhani Hassan
[email protected]

Anil Muhammed
[email protected]

Bright Onyenwe
A+, Network+
[email protected]

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Robert Rodriguez
[email protected]

Lawrence C. Seymour
[email protected]

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Cassie Wright

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Steven Yee

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Edward Kim

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David Liu

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Oyenbhen Ometese