How to Request a Letter of Recommendation
Fill out the Request for Letter of Recommendation. You will need a form for each request. Turn this form into my office (S233J). All requests must be word-processed; hand-written requests are not acceptable. All requests must be signed in blue or black ink.
- Read the What we Need to Write You a Thorough Letter of Recommendation guidelines (PDF).
- I must be notified of your request at least one (1) week in advance of the deadline.
- Include the name, mailing address, URL, email address, and a short description of the program.
- State the deadline. Note that deadlines for faculty letters are often different than for applicants.
- You may include personal statements and resumes. I may include some of this information in your letter. Turn these documents in with your request.
- I only write confidential letters. I will agree to write letters only if you waive your right to review.
- Alert me if the recommendation will involve an online form or will need to mailed. If it is to be mailed, make sure I have the correct mailing address. If the letter must be included in a packet, I will enclose the letter in an official Rio Hondo College envelope and initial the flap of the envelope.
- As the deadline approaches, you may send me email reminders as often as you wish. I will read them, but I may not respond until after I have submitted the recommendation.