Resources for Students
Río Hondo District is committed to maintaining a positive learning, working and living environment. The College will not tolerate acts of sexual harassment or sexual violence or related retaliation against or by any employee or student. When sexual harassment or sexual violence has occurred and is brought to the attention of a responsible administrator, steps will be taken to end the harassment or violence, prevent its re-occurrence, and address its effects. The following resources list the confidentiality obligations of Río Hondo College District personnel at Río Hondo College with respect to reports of sexual misconduct:
Student Health Center Counseling and Health Services (Confidential)
The Student Health Center at Río Hondo College has available confidential counseling and health services on campus for all registered students attending the institution. Whether you are seeking support after a sexual assault or another form of sexual misconduct, there are several services and referral options available to you. For confidential/private assistance, contact the Student Health Center and Psychological Services.
Title IX Coordinator (Non-Confidential)
The Title IX Coordinator, Vice President/Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources is responsible for promoting an institutional environment that is free of gender bias, sexual harassment, and other forms of sexual misconduct. In addition, the Title IX Coordinator’s role is to monitor and evaluate the institution’s Title IX compliance efforts and make recommendations for any appropriate changes and improvements. The Title IX Coordinator oversees the administration of this policy and procedures in a neutral and equitable manner.
Campus Security (Non-Confidential, Responsible Employees)
Students may report sexual misconduct Campus Security or the local law enforcement agency where the misconduct occurred. After a report has been taken and the necessary responses are taken, a campus security officer will report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator (Vice President/Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources). To submit a campus security report involving sexual misconduct, contact Campus Security at (562) 908-3498.
Río Hondo College District Faculty and Staff (Non-Confidential, Responsible Employees)
Faculty and staff can help student victims of sexual harassment file a complaint and get help. Students who choose to report sexual misconduct behaviors to faculty and staff should not expect confidentiality. As Responsible Employees, faculty and staff are obligated to report all statements of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator.