Discover everything you need to apply to Río Hondo College. This page provides access to essential admissions forms, detailed policies, and step-by-step guides to simplify your enrollment process. Whether you’re a new or returning student, you’ll find the resources to start your journey here.

Student Forms

All forms on this webpage are fillable. Please email the completed form or any questions to [email protected] from your official Rio Hondo email account. If you are unable to sign the form, your official email will serve as your signature.  If you send your request from your personal email account, please include a copy of your CA or RHC  photo ID card.

Request for Excused Withdrawal (EW)
Pass-No Pass Petition
AP Advanced Placement Credit Request
Enrollment Verification Request
Change of Major Request
Major Codes Sheet
Course Repetition Request
Academic Renewal Request
Course Substitution Request
FERPA Notification (Postsecondary)
External Transcript Evaluation Request
Update Student Information Request
Preferred Name Request
High School Concurrent Enrollment Form
AB540 Form
Supplemental Residency Questionnaire
Credit by Exam Request
Prerequisite/CoRequisite Challenge Request
Duplicate Diploma Request

Policies, and how tos