How to Request a Grade Change

You have one year from the end of the term in question to request a grade change. Grades are posted on your record approximately 10 working days after the end of each session. You can view your grades in AccessRío in the Student Records section.

What you need to know:

  • The instructor of the course shall determine the grade to be recorded for each student.
  • The determination of the student’s grade by the instructor is final in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence. (Title V §55025)
  • The removal or change of an incorrect grade from a student’s record shall only by done upon authorization by the instructor of the course.
  • In the case of fraud, bad faith, clerical error, incompetence, or unavailability of instructor or death of instructor, the final determination concerning removal or change of grade will be made by the Vice President of Academic Services with the appropriate involvement of faculty from the discipline and the Academic Senate.
  • All returned work must be retained by the student as documented evidence in order to pursue a request for a grade change. (RHC BP 4231)

Grading Scale Averages

Grades from a grading scale shall be averaged on the basis of the point equivalencies to determine a student’s grade-point average (GPA). The highest grade shall receive four points, and the lowest grade shall receive 0 points, using only the following evaluative symbols:

GradeDefinitionCredit GrantedGrade Points
BAbove Averageyes3
DBelow Averageyes1

To calculate a grade point average, divide the total grade points by the total GPA units.

What grading symbols mean

The following grade symbols are not used in calculating GPA:

SymbolDefinitionCredit GrantedGrade Points
NPNo Passno0
MWMilitary Withdrawno0
I*Incomplete where * indicates the default grade to be received if not completed within one year.no0
IPIn Progressno0
RDReport Delayedno0

P/NP: Pass/No Pass

In addition to courses in which all students are evaluated on a Pass/No Pass basis, students may elect to take one course each semester on a “P/NP” basis.

  • Students may indicate at registration, or no later than the end of the third week, whether the basis of evaluation is to be “P/NP” or a letter grade (by end of first week of the summer session).
  • P” (Pass) is defined as “C” grade or better.
  • All units earned on a Pass/No Pass basis in accredited California institutions of higher education or equivalent out-of state institutions shall be counted in satisfaction of community college curriculum requirements. “P/NP” grades will not be use in calculating the grade point average.

Important: Students will not be allowed to request a letter grade after the dates listed on the Important Dates and Deadlines page (the pass/no pass petition date); nor to request a letter grade for previously completed courses in which they earned a Pass “P.”

W: Withdrawal

A withdrawal or drop from class during weeks one and five of the fall and spring semesters will not appear on a student’s permanent record.

  • A student who withdraws from class during week six through the drop deadline of the fall and spring semesters will receive a “W” grade.
  • The record of enrollment will appear on the student’s permanent record.
  • Short-term and summer classes will have different drop deadlines than semester-length classes.
  • Check the current notice of Important Dates on the RHC web site or with the Admissions and Records Office for specific deadlines.
  • A student may drop any class without the instructor’s signature.
  • The class instructor may drop a student for non-participation before the drop deadline. However, it is the students’ responsibility to officially drop any class that they no longer wish to attend.
  • A “W” will not be used in calculating a grade point average.

After the drop deadline, a “W” may be granted only in cases of extenuating circumstances. In such cases, a petition may be obtained in the Admissions and Records Office and will be acted upon by the Director of Admissions & Records.

MW: Military Withdrawal

A military withdrawal grade, “MW,” occurs when a student who is a member of an active or reserve United States Military Service receives orders compelling a withdrawal from courses.

  • Upon verification of such orders, a student can petition to withdraw from classes.
  • When authorized, the student will be withdrawn with a “MW” military withdrawal designation on the student’s transcripts.
  • An “MW” will not be used in calculating a grade point average or for progress probation.

IA, IB, IC, ID, IF, IPP, INP: Incomplete

An incomplete grade may be assigned for academic work not completed for unforeseeable emergencies and justifiable reasons at the end of the term.

  • The condition for removal of the incomplete grade shall be stated by the instructor in a written record.
  • This record must be given to the student with a copy on file with the registrar until the incomplete is made up or the time limit has passed.
  • A final grade shall be assigned when the work stipulated has been completed and evaluated or when the time limit for completing the work has passed.
  • The incomplete may be made up no later than one year following the end of the term in which it was assigned.
  • Under unusual circumstances, a student may petition for an extension of the one-year period.
  • The incomplete grade will not be used in calculating a grade point average.

IP: In Progress

An in-progress grade, “IP,” is used to denote that the class extends beyond the normal end of an academic term.

  • It indicates that work is in progress but that assignment of a substantive grade must await completion of the course.
  • The “IP” symbol shall remain on the student’s permanent record in order to satisfy enrollment documentation.
  • The appropriate evaluative grade and unit of credit shall be assigned and appear on the student’s record for the term in which the course is completed.
  • The “IP” will not be used in calculating grade-point average.

RD: Report Delayed

The report delayed grade, “RD,” may be assigned by the registrar only.

  • It is to be used when there is a delay in reporting the grade of a student due to circumstances beyond the control of the student.
  • It is a temporary notation to be replaced by a permanent symbol as soon as possible.
  • The “RD” will not be used in calculating grade-point averages.