General conditions of financial aid offer

I understand and agree that I must promptly report to the Financial Aid Office any changes in my financial, marital, residency or academic status. Any additional earning or funding resources from any other outside entities may result in reduction of my award and/or require repayment of financial aid awards already advanced to me during the academic year.  I agree to accept responsibility for knowing and understanding financial aid policies and adhering to all deadlines. As well as to accept responsibility for repayment of any funds awarded to me once I withdraw, or cease to be a half-time student. I hereby accept the terms of conditions of my financial aid.

Regarding notice of financial assistance

This award has been based on the documented information you submitted at the time you applied for aid. It is your responsibility to inform the Financial Aid Office if that information changes.  By accepting financial aid, you agree to allow Río Hondo Admissions & Records Office to release system access and /or hard copy of your transcript to the Financial Aid Office and the California Student Aid Commission and/or any non-university sources providing assistance to you. You must accept responsibility for reading and understanding all forms that you are asked to sign.

General conditions of financial assistance

Statement of educational purpose

I declare that I will use any funds I receive under the PELL GRANT, SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GRANT, FEDERAL WORK STUDY, FEDERAL DIRECT LOAN PROGRAMS or State Grants for expenses connected with my education only.