Addictive eaters anonymous (AEA)

Addictive Eaters Anonymous (AEA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from addictive eating.
Contact: Lorri Lanoue at (562)708-6070

To find a meeting visit:

Al-Anon family groups

We provide strength and hope for friends and families of problem drinkers through group meetings for For Spouses and Partners, Adult, Children, Parents, Grandparents, and Siblings. We also offer Alateen.

It’s very difficult when one (or both) of your parents has a drinking problem. It affects how you are treated and it shapes your world. Alateen meetings are where you can find support and understanding from people your own age who going through similar difficulties.

If there’s no Alateen meeting in your community, you’re always welcome to attend an Al-Anon meeting.

Contact information

Phone: (818) 760-7122
Fax: (818)760-7440


AFG Office of Southern California
4936 Lankershim Blvd.
North Hollywood CA 91601

Alcoholics Anonymous (A. A.) meetings in Pico Rivera, California /  Grupo Pico Rivera

Location: Suite #1 – 9024 Slauson Ave., Rosemead Blvd. (CA-19)

Email: [email protected]

Find Local Alcoholics Anonymous on the following website:

Local locations

Some locations are the following:

Alcoholics Anonymous
Location: 6422 Whittier Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90022
Phone: (323) 722-4175

Los Amigos Group
Location: 2518 W Beverly Blvd, Montebello, CA 90640
Phone: (323) 510-4443

Alcoholics Anonymous
Location: 9604 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90003
Phone: (323) 777-9740

Alcoholics Anonymous
Location: 10725 Burbank Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601
Phone: (818) 760-0253

Alcoholics Anonymous Central Office of Los Angeles-AA Meetings
Location: 4311 Wilshire Blvd #104, Los Angeles, CA 90010
Phone: (323) 936-4343
Hours: Open until 6:30pm

Harbor Area Central Office – Alcoholics Anonymous – AA Meetings – 24/7 Hotline
Location: 3450 E Spring St, Long Beach, CA 90806
Phone: (562) 989-7697
Hours: Open until 6:00pm

Alcoholics Anonymous
Location: 551 Francisquito Ave, West Covina, CA 91790
Phone: (626) 917-5556


Alma Family Services

Alma Family Services was established in 1975 in East Los Angeles by parents to provide, along with other purposes, a comprehensive range of multilingual community based services for those with special needs including emotional, physical and/or developmental delay and their families.

Alma provides eight interdisciplinary mental health outpatient office locations serving all age ranges including those with substance abuse in the cities of Long Beach, Walnut, Pico Rivera, El Monte and East Los Angeles and which also serve adjacent communities.

Phone: (323) 881-3799


Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse 
(L.A. CADA)‘s mission is to save lives, unite families, and protect the community by providing addiction counseling and healthy living services.

At 7 locations throughout Los Angeles, we provide services in English and Spanish with caring professional staff.

Phone: (562) 906-2676

Drug Rehab provides information, resources, and treatment for people battling addiction and related conditions. They are here to help you or a loved one pursue lifelong recovery.

Phone: (844) 412-3975