CHEM 110 Chemistry for Allied Health Majors

This course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of general, organic, and biological chemistry, and is especially appropriate for students intending to pursue a career in nursing and other health related professions, including kinesiology and psychology. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between chemistry and the health/medical sciences. Weekly laboratory activities require students to empirically verify concepts presented in lectures. No previous background in chemistry is required or expected of students enrolling in this course. Prerequisite: MATH 050 or MATH 050D orMATH 53 or MATH 53B or appropriate assessment

CHEM 120 Introduction to Chemistry

This one-semester course is designed for students intending to major in science or engineering. The course primarily prepares students for Chemistry 130; additionally, it fulfills the general education requirement in the physical sciences. This course introduces the fundamental principles of general chemistry, with emphasis on chemical nomenclature and quantitative problems in chemistry. The lecture presents classical and modern chemistry including atomic theory, periodic properties, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, acids and bases, gas laws and solutions. The laboratory introduces the techniques of experimental chemistry with examples from all areas of chemistry. Prerequisite: MATH 070 or MATH 070D or MATH 073 or MATH 073B or appropriate assessment.

CHEM 130 General Chemistry I

Chemistry 130 is the first semester of a two semester sequence designed for students intending to major in science and engineering. The lecture course covers classical/modern chemistry, with applications, in stoichiometry and classical atomic theory of chemistry, periodic properties, gas laws, modern quantum theory of atomic and molecular structure and periodic properties, thermochemistry, liquids and solids, solution chemistry. The laboratory introduces experimental chemistry with examples from all areas of chemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 120.

CHEM 140 General Chemistry II

CHEM 140 is a continuation of CHEM 130. Theory and techniques of elementary physical chemistry are stressed. Emphasis is placed on the dynamics of chemical change using thermodynamics and reaction kinetics as the major tools. A thorough treatment of equilibrium is given, with many examples of acid/base, buffer, solubility, and complex ions. Entropy and free energy, electrochemistry, coordination compounds and a brief introduction to organic chemistry are presented. Various analytical techniques used in modern chemistry are introduced. Descriptive chemistry of representative metallic and nonmetallic elements is included. The Laboratory introduces experimental chemistry with examples from areas of kinetics, equilibrium, acid/base and buffer preparation, differential titration, electrochemistry, and qualitative analysis. Modern instrumental methods are used in some exercises. Prerequisite: CHEM 130.

CHEM 230 Organic Chemistry I

This course, the first of a two-semester sequence, provides a rigorous introduction to the practical and theoretical aspects of organic chemistry. Several topics will be explored in depth, including molecular structure and hybridization, applications of acid/base theory to organic compounds, stereochemistry, alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, dienes, substitution and elimination reactions, and spectroscopic methods of analysis (e.g. IR, UV/VIS, NMR). Particular emphasis will be placed on thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of reactions and detailed examination of reaction mechanisms. Laboratory exercises are designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the essential techniques of organic chemistry, including the determination of melting points, thin-layer and column chromatography, extraction, distillation, and spectroscopic analysis of products. This course is appropriate for students majoring in chemistry, biological sciences, and chemical engineering, and satisfies the admissions requirements for medical, dental, veterinary, and other health-related graduate programs. Prerequisites: CHEM 140.

CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry II

This course, the second of a two-semester sequence, provides a rigorous introduction to the practical and theoretical aspects of organic chemistry. The chemistry of aromatic and carbonyl-containing compounds will be emphasized through out the course of the semester. Bioorganic compounds will be introduced. Particular emphasis will be placed on thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of reactions, the detailed examination of reaction mechanisms, and the design of multi-step syntheses. Laboratory exercises require students to use the techniques learned in the previous semester to carry out more complex reactions and multi-step synthesis. Additionally, students will investigate the techniques of organic qualitative analysis. This course is appropriate for students majoring in chemistry, biological sciences, and chemical engineering, and satisfies the admissions requirements for medical, dental, veterinary, and other health-related graduate programs. Prerequisites: CHEM 230.