Please note: If you have a debt or a hold you can not drop classes online. To drop a class you can:

  • Come to the Admissions & Records counter with a photo ID -or-
  • Fax a letter requesting to be dropped; include your full name, date of birth, Río Hondo student ID number, 5 digit CRN number of the class(es) to be dropped and a copy of your photo ID. Sign the letter and fax it to (562) 463-3153.

Step 1: Log Into Your AccessRío Account

Step 2: Click the “Student” Tab

Image showing to click on the "Student" tab.

Step 3: Click the “Add or Drop Classes” Option

Image showing to click the "Add or Drop Classes" option.

Step 4: Choose the Term You Would Like to Drop Classes for and Click the “Submit” Button

Image showing to select the Registration Term and click the "Submit" button.

Step 5: Find the Registered Class That You Would Like to Drop – Choose the “Drop” Option from the Drop-down List Next to It. Click the “Submit Changes” Button

Please note: The “drop” option displayed may be slightly different from the one shown, depending on how far along the semester has progressed.

Image showing how to select the drop option and click the "Submit" button to drop a registered class.

Step 6: Verify That You Have Dropped the Course

Please note: The exact wording for the dropped class may be different from the one shown, depending on how far along the semester has progressed.

Image showing that the class has been successfully dropped.