El Paisano

El Paisano is a biweekly student newspaper publication covering the Río Hondo campus community, local region, and beyond, with a focus on popular college topics and themes.

El Paisano Online is Río Hondo College’s comprehensive student media outlet, providing: podcasting, digital broadcasting, online news productions, print newspaper, and magazine publications.

La Cima

La Cima is an annual student magazine publication, traditionally focused on popular summertime themes, activities, and events associated with college culture.

River’s Voice

Rivers Voice cover image

River’s Voice is the annual literary journal of the Río Hondo College campus community, comprised of original works from students, faculty, staff, and alumni along five genres: poetry, short story, memoir, one-act drama, and visual art.

The River Deep Student Film Festival

The River Deep Student Film Festival is an annual two-day event showcasing the year’s best films developed by Rio Hondo College students. It takes place in the Wray Theater, in April, as part of the Writes of Spring literary festival.