Transfer Center Supported Programs
In collaboration with other Río Hondo College programs and four-year universities, the Transfer Center offers and assists students with the participation of the transfer programs below.
Summer Scholars Transfer Institute (SSTI)
SSTI is a 5-day in person residential program for current Río Hondo College students from July 8, 2024 to July 12, 2024 and two weeks on Zoom from July 15, 2024 to July 25 During this Hybrid program, you will take Psychology 101 at UC Irvine. Not only are you taking Río Hondo courses at UC Irvine, but you will also get to dorm and dine there for the full university campus experience! To be considered for SSTI, you must submit the SSTI application by May 10th, 2024. Click HERE to apply.
CSU Transfer Success Pathway Program
What is the Transfer Success Pathway program?
The Transfer Success Pathway program guarantees future CSU admission to 2023 high school graduates and beyond who are entering a California community college and who commit to transferring within three years. The Transfer Success Pathway gives students clearer direction as they begin their post-secondary education journey and greater confidence that they will achieve their goal of a four-year degree.
Eligibility Requirements
Beginning with the California high school graduating class of 2023, the Transfer Success Pathway will be open to first-time, first-year California community college students who meet the following eligibility:
- First-time students that were not CSU eligible at the time of high school graduation.
- First-time students that were CSU eligible but chose not to attend due to personal or financial reasons.
- First-time students that were CSU eligible but the application to their campus of choice was redirected to another campus, and they did not enroll.
Program Benefits
- Guaranteed admission to your chosen CSU and participating major.
- Comprehensive support services that include academic and transfer counseling.
- Referral to on campus support programs
- FREE tuition through the Rio Promise for qualifying students (click here for more information).
- Assistance with creating and updating a CSU Transfer Planner account.
Application Period: August 1 to September 30
Application Website: CSU Transfer Planner
- Create an account on the CSU Transfer Planner.
- Research campuses and available programs.
- Enter into one agreement with chosen CSU.
- Quick Start Guide
Agreement Requirements
- Students must complete either an Associate Degree for Transfer or an established course of transfer at a community college within three years.
Frequently Asked Questions
For more campus specific information visit their website.
UC Dual Admission Program
What is the UC Dual Admission program?
The UC Dual Admission is a transfer pathway program offering conditional admission to a participating UC and program to first-time first-year students attending a California community college. The goal of the program is to increase access to the University of California, particularly for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
What are the program eligibility requirements?
- California residents, including AB 540 students.
- On track to graduate from a CA high School.
- Applied for freshman admission for the fall 2023, 2024, or 2025.
- Were not admitted to any UC campus.
- Minimum 3.0 UC GPA at the time of application.
- At the time of graduation, missing one or more A-G subject requirements.
Program Benefits
- Guaranteed admission to your chosen participating UC and major.
- Advising from the UC Dual Admission coordinator who will facilitate their communication with campus and CCC advisors.
- Access, where available, to libraries at the receiving and/or local UC campus.
- Invitation to transfer events hosted by the receiving and/or local campus.
- Preliminary information about federal, state and UC financial aid.
- Waiver of application fee to the receiving campus upon transfer.
Application period: April 24 to June 1 (by invitation only).
Program Requirements
- Students selected to participate must meet all criteria for the campus and major.
For more information and for Frequently Asked Questions visit below.
Arizona State University – MyPath2ASU™
Arizona State University is proud to offer the MyPath2ASU™ . The most efficient and affordable path to an ASU bachelor’s degree. Students can start planning their path to ASU on day one of their Río Hondo journey with the MyPath2ASU™ transfer experience. Choose from more than 400 course-by-course major maps that lead to on-campus or online ASU bachelor’s degrees. By picking a major and identifying a transfer institution, MyPath2ASU™ helps to identify what courses to take at your transfer institution for an ASU baccalaureate degree. Save time, money and minimize loss of credit during the transfer journey. Students receive a set of customized tools to ensure a simple, seamless transition into one of the nation’s top 10 universities for undergraduate education.
Cal State Dominguez Hills Pathway to Success Enrollment Partnership
The Pathways to Success Enrollment Partnership program makes transfer from Río Hondo College to CSUDH seamless and simple. Admission to CSUDH is guaranteed upon completion of the following requirements:
- Complete a minimum of 60 CSU transferable semester units with a 2.0 GPA.
- Must complete last 24 units at Río Hondo College.
- Complete Oral Communication, English Composition, Critical thinking, and transferable level Math with “C” grade or better (Golden 4).
- Meet with the CSUDH representative at least once a semester.
Community College Partnership Programs – UCLA
The Community College Partnership Program with UCLA provides Río Hondo College students with: Peer Mentoring (a current UCLA student who successfully transferred from a community college), “Bruin Buddy Day” (an opportunity to visit the UCLA campus and “pair-up” with a UCLA student of the same major as your guide), opportunity to participate in summer residential and non-residential programs for transfer students at the UCLA campus.
CCCP focuses on students who may have recently graduated (or completed equivalent requirement) from high school and plan to enroll in a community college in the Fall, or students currently attending community college who are already on a transfer path at the time of application and show potential for academic success, and who may:
- be the first in their family to go to college
- come from low-income backgrounds
- may be non-traditional students who have faced challenges in their academic career
- be from underserved communities
- have recently graduated from high school and plan to enroll in a community college in the Fall
- students currently attending community college who have not yet completed a transfer curriculum at the time of application
- show potential for transfer success
Program Requirements: (subject to change)
- One-year commitment starting Summer 2022 through Spring 2023.
- Attend one (1) of the required summer activities.
- Attend at least one (1) CCCP sponsored activity each quarter.
- Make at least one (1) contact with a peer advisor each quarter.
- Maintain enrollment at a California Community College.
- Research and apply for at least one (1) scholarship.
- Maintain and update contact information (address, current community college, telephone and e-mail address)
- Report academic and transfer progress each semester enrolled at a community college through UC TAP updates
- Complete a program entrance survey in the summer and a program exit survey at the end of the Spring.
- If admitted and enrolled at UCLA, engage with CCCP and campus partners in enhancing UCLA’s transfer receptive culture.
NOTE: Not satisfying any of the requirements may terminate participation with the CCCP Scholars Program.
For application information, click here.
Pathway to Law School Initiative
Pathway to Law School is for underrepresented first-generation college students interested in learning more about careers in the legal field and going to law school. The initiative is designed to enhance opportunities and advancement in the legal profession for diverse populations. Ideally, students will spend two years at Rio Hondo College then transfer to any accredited undergraduate institution to complete their bachelor ’s degree and then be considered for a priority admissions review to the six participating law schools. For more information, visit the Pathway to Law School program website. more information please contact the Pathway to Law School Coordinator:
Dr. Juana Mora
[email protected]Office Locations:
A201C -
UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)
The UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program offers qualified California Community College students guaranteed admission to one of the six participating UC campuses: Davis, Irvine, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz.
At some campuses this may include early review of your academic records, early admission notification, and specific guidance about major preparation and general education coursework.
When and how to apply for TAG:
- Complete the Transfer Admission Planner and TAG application at
- Submit your TAG application September 1 – 30th (for Fall admission)
- Submit the UC admission application November 1 – 30th (for Fall admission) at
Keep in mind: TAG applications are due Sept. 30, but you can only apply for a TAG at one campus. To keep your options open, apply to other UC campuses during the regular application cycle (November 1 thru November 30)
Each UC campus has very specific TAG requirements that you can learn more about by visiting the links below. You might be eligible for a TAG if you meet these basic requirements in addition to the campus specific criteria:
- Have earned 30+ UC transferable units at the time of your TAG application
- Have a UC transferable GPA of 2.8 – 3.5 or higher (varies by campus)
Click here for UC Davis TAG requirements
Click here for UC Irvine TAG requirements
Click here for UC Merced TAG requirements
Click here for UC Riverside TAG requirements
Click here for UC Santa Barbara TAG requirements
UCLA Transfer Alliance Program (TAP)
The UCLA Transfer Alliance Program (TAP) gives you the opportunity to enhance your ability to transfer to UCLA at the junior level from a California community college. Students are certified after completing the honors/scholars program at their community college and given priority consideration for admission to UCLA College of Letters and Science.
To view all criteria for transfer selection, and for additional information about the programs of study available, please review the following:
- Transfer Admission Guide (TAG)
- Majors offered by the College
- Minors offered at UCLA
- Policy on reviewing TAP participants for alternate majors
- UCLA and California Community Colleges cooperate to assist students in the transfer process.
- The TAP Community Colleges offer enriched academic programs and all courses necessary to transfer, including General Education requirements and preparatory courses for majors.
- Designated faculty and counselors at the community colleges help students plan academic programs that meet major and general education requirements and honors/scholars certification.
- While students are in the community college TAP programs, meaningful linkages with UCLA are provided such as on-campus informational meetings and tours, library privileges, and opportunities to attend selected UCLA cultural and athletic events.
For more information visit the Honors Program website.
University of La Verne TAG
Make the transfer to the University of La Verne an easy one by participating in the Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG). The University of La Verne is perennially named as one of the top private, four-year universities in California for the number of transfer students admitted from California Community Colleges.
Participant Benefits
Students participating in TAG are afforded the following services/benefits:- A waiver of the application fee.
- Guaranteed admission to the University of La Verne provided the student meets all requirements listed in “Student Eligibility Requirements” section below.
- Access to a La Verne Admissions Counselor/Academic Advisor to inform and guide the student about the requirements to earn a bachelor’s degree from University of La Verne.
- Access to a designated Financial Aid advisor at La Verne. TAG students are eligible for the same financial aid that is available to other students who matriculate to the same La Verne program/campus.
- Courses from Partner College that have been approved to fulfill the requirements of CSU-GE (California State University General Education) or IGETC (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) will be accepted to meet like General Education requirements at La Verne provided a grade of C- or better has been earned. However, it is important TAG students work closely with their La Verne admission representative to ensure for a seamless transfer.
- TAG Scholarship:
- Students attending La Verne’s Campus Accelerated Program for Adults (CAPA) on the La Verne Campus, one of the Regional Campuses (campuses on military bases are excluded), or La Verne Online: a TAG scholarship will provide tuition reduction for your entire degree program.
- Traditional Age students attending at the La Verne campus: one-time $1,000 TAG scholarship is applied towards the tuition costs of their first semester at La Verne in addition to the standard financial aid packages available to other students who matriculate to the La Verne campus.
Student Eligibility Requirements
- Complete a La Verne TAG application while enrolled at the community college.
- TAG students are eligible to transfer to La Verne using the TAG agreement once they complete a minimum of 28 semester hours of transferable coursework at participating community college with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 and the completion of a college-level English course. Adult students wishing to transfer to CAPA, one of the seven regional campuses (campuses on military bases are excluded), or La Verne Online who do not meet these requirements will be considered for admission but would not be eligible for the TAG scholarship.
- Submit a University of La Verne application for admission and meet all the admission requirements for the degree program and the campus for which he/she is applying that are articulated in La Verne catalog in effect at the time of their TAG admission
- Declare a major at the time of application to the University of La Verne.
- Transfer to La Verne the semester immediately following their attendance at the Partner College, summer term excluded. If enrollment at La Verne in the subsequent term is not possible, the student is eligible to apply for a new TAG when he/she returns to Partner College.
- TAG students must matriculate at La Verne within two (2) years of the TAG admission. If matriculation takes place after two years, TAG students must reapply for admission and follow the catalog requirements in effect at the time of readmission.
Río Hondo College Honors Program
Program Benefits
As an Honors student, you’ll not only receive the personal support of a motivated and transfer-oriented community, but you’ll also benefit from these exclusive opportunities:
- Priority registration after you complete two (2) Honors for the next available term
- Personalized honors counseling
- Smaller classes, more direct contacts with your instructors
- Challenging course work to help you prepare for upper division courses
- Library privileges to several University of California libraries
- Participation in the Student Research Conference
- Priority consideration for transfer to several universities
For more information, check out the Honors Program webpage.
Río Hondo College TRIO
The Río Hondo College TRIO – Student Support Services (SSS) Program is a federal program administered by the U.S. Department of Education. To receive TRIO SSS Program services, students must be enrolled at Río Hondo College and formally admitted into the TRIO SSS Program. Low-income students who are first-generation college students and students with disabilities evidencing academic need are eligible to participate in SSS projects. Two-thirds of the participants in any SSS project must be either disabled or potential first-generation college students from low-income families. One-third of the disabled participants must also be low-income students.
For more information on how to apply, visit the TRIO Student Support Services webpage.
Río Hondo College Puente Project
Puente Components:
English Instruction
Puente students take two consecutive writing classes, English 101 (College Composition and Research) in the Fall and English 201 (Critical Thinking) in the Spring, which can be taken as an honors class too. These classes provide a supportive and stimulating environment for Puente students with an emphasis on developing writing skills through an exploration of the Mexican American/Latino experience.Counseling
Puente students work closely with their Puente counselor to explore career options, develop an academic educational plan and identify their goals through the Puente Counseling courses, Counseling 101 (College Success Skills) and Counseling 103 (Intro to Leadership), as well as individual counseling sessions. The Puente counselor guides students with their educational goals.Mentoring
Puente students are matched with an academically and professionally successful mentor from the community. The Puente Mentoring component is an important aspect of the community college program. This component provides structured mentoring activities in which students examine and discuss the concepts of mentoring and community.For information on how to apply, visit their website.