Essential Student Resources for Success and Support
Sending Official Transcripts to Universities
Watch this video for assistance in ordering official transcripts.
GPA Calculator
Río Hondo provides a simple GPA Calculator to estimate your current GPA based on grades and units.
Undecided About Your Major?
Visit the Career Center – they will assist you in selecting the major that is right for you.
General Counseling
All General Counselors can also help you with your transfer process. Visit the Counseling Center.
Associate Degree Requirements
Need to know what classes to take to complete an associate’s degree? Review the list of RHC degrees and requirements.
Honors Transfer Program
Join the Honors Transfer Program. Take honors courses and prepare for transfer. Schedule an appointment with the Honors Transfer Counselor, located in the Transfer Center.
STEM Majors
If you are interested in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) major, join MESA. Visit the MESA Office located in S205.
Puente Program
The Puente Program provides counseling and mentoring that prepares students to transfer to four-year universities. Contact Jorge Huinquez, Puente Counselor (located in the Counseling Center) for more information.
TRIO SSS Program
If you are a first-generation, low-income student and/or student with a disability with a goal to transfer to a 4-year university, please apply to the TRIO SSS Program.
Alpha Gamma Sigma
AGS is an honor society that promotes academic excellence through scholarships and service.