The River Deep Student Film Festival is an annual two-day event showcasing the year’s best films developed by Rio Hondo College students. Students enter their work into competition and from these films, finalists are selected. During the two-day event, finalists’ films are screened, winners are announced, and prizes are awarded. Guest speakers from the film industry are invited to present during one of the days of the festival to discuss their own work and to talk about opportunities for up-and-coming filmmakers, followed by a Q&A session. River Deep was cofounded and is coordinated by Rio faculty members Tom Callinan and Sheila Lynch.
The River Deep Student Film Festival is open to students currently
enrolled at Rio Hondo College. Students must write, direct, shoot, and edit
their own work, alone or in collaboration with other Rio Hondo College students; filmmakers may receive guidance and help from instructors and professionals.
The primary work, however, must be performed by the students.
Students may use actors of any age to play different roles.
There are no restrictions on the art form of your film. Films may be live action, animation, claymation, still photography or any combination. All films must include end-credits that acknowledge writer(s), director, performers, and member of the production crew, such as editors, cinematographers, camera operators, and so forth.
Selected entries will be showcased at the Rio Hondo College Writes of Spring festival in April.
- Microshort Category (1-5 minutes in length) All genres accepted
- Short Film Category (6-12 minutes in length) All genres accepted
How to submit
- The River Deep Student Film Festival is accepting submissions of original films via:
Students must upload video to their own Vimeo or Youtube account, then submit the link to the submission form. - Three entries max. per student.
- The deadline for entries is midnight Friday, Thursday, March 15th, 2018.
- Filmmakers whose works are accepted will be contacted during the third week in April.