Helpful Tips for New Students
How to prepare for your appointment with a DSPS Counselor:
- Plan ahead! Create a list of questions ready for when you see the counselor.
- If you are running late or need to cancel and reschedule, call the office at (562)908-3420 to let us know right away.
- If you are more than 10 minutes late, you may lose your appointment and will need to reschedule for another time.
Important Dates to Remember:
**DSPS Intake must be completed in order to be eligible for Priority Registration**
** Check the Rio Hondo College Main Web Page for Add/Drop dates**
Rio Promise
Rio Hondo College students have the opportunity to receive free tuition for 2 years!
- Enroll as a first-time college student
- Enroll in at least 6 units each semester (Fall and Spring).
- Submit a FAFSA or California Dream Act Application and complete all required forms from the Financial Aid Office.
If you need help, call the Student Success and Dream Center at (562) 463-6650.
New semester checklist:
- Apply to Rio Hondo College & DSPS
- Apply for financial aid
- Meet with a DSPS Counselor to develop an Educational Plan
- Join additional programs and services (EOPS, Guardian Scholars, TRIO)
- Familiarize yourself with the campus, especially with the buildings where your classes will be held.
- Utilize our on-campus tutoring resources: Learning Assistance Center (LAC), Math and Science Center, Reading Lab, and Writing Center.
- Check the academic calendar for important deadlines ex: drop deadlines, priority registration, etc.
The following steps must be followed PRIOR to joining DSPS
- Apply to Rio Hondo College: – Click: Become a Student, APPLY NOW
- Complete Placement Tool & Online Orientation
- Apply for FINANCIAL AID! You must file a FAFSA or DREAM ACT to qualify for the Rio Promise
There are three (3) criteria to meet to be eligible for disability services.
- You must complete an intake appointment and want to participate in the program voluntarily.
- You must have a professionally documented disability
- The disability must present a barrier to the learning process.
Documentation of A Disability
Professional documentation of a diagnosed disability is essential for determining barriers in education and providing academic adjustments or services. The documentation should be current and include diagnosis information (with diagnosis code) to assist the DSPS professional to determine the academic adjustment a student needs to permit equal access to educational activities. Colleges and universities require disability documentation that shows the student has a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Because these laws are different than the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which only applies to students with disabilities in K-12, new or additional documentation may be required. For specific disability documentation guidelines, please contact DSPS.
Student Rights: Participation by students with disabilities in the Disabled Students Program and Services shall be entirely voluntary. Receiving support services, equipment or instruction shall not preclude a student from also participating in any other course, program, or activity offered by the college. All records maintained by the DSPS personnel pertaining to students with disabilities shall be protected from disclosure.
Student Responsibilities: Students receiving support service, equipment or instruction shall:
- Comply with the student code of conduct adopted by the College and all other applicable statutes and regulations related to student conduct (cross-reference – Student Conduct);
- Be responsible in their use of DSPS and adhere to written service provision policies adopted by DSPS; and
- Make measurable progress toward the goals established in the student’s Student Educational Contract (SEC) or, when the student is enrolled in a regular college course, meet academic standards established by the College.
- All services and academic adjustments must be requested in a timely fashion and approved by a DSPS Specialist or Counselor each semester.In order to remain eligible for these services, students must update their files in DSPS once per semester. It is your responsibility to:
- Schedule follow-up appointments with your Counselor
- Request academic adjustments for your classes each semester
- Update your Academic Accommodation Plan
- Meet with a Counselor to update your Student Education Plan (SEP)
- Provide a copy of your class schedule each semester.
Do not forget that as a DSPS Student, you have access to:
- The DSPS computer lab during regular business hours
- 10 free prints every semester
- Priority Registration
INSTRUCTIONS: Use this form to report and/or refer concerns within the Rio Hondo College community for the purpose of filing a complaint on issues related to DSPS services and/or DSPS Staff.
INSTRUCTIONS: Use this form to report and/or refer concerns within the Rio Hondo College community for the purpose of filing a complaint on issues related to grades.
Student Conduct Violations
The purpose of this procedure is to provide a prompt and equitable means to address violations of the Standards of Conduct, which guarantees to the student or students involved the due process rights afforded to them by state and federal constitutional protections. This procedure will be used in a fair and equitable manner, and not for purposes of retaliation. It is not intended to substitute for criminal or civil proceedings that may be initiated by other agencies.
Due Process
When the Executive Dean of Student Affairs and Equity is made aware of a possible violation of the Standards of Conduct policy, and before any disciplinary action is taken against a student, a meeting will be scheduled to discuss the possible violation. During the meeting, the student will again be told the facts leading to the accusation and will be given an opportunity to respond to the accusation. Within 5 days after the meeting, the Executive Dean of Student Affairs and Equity shall determine if the student’s behavior constitutes a violation of the Standards of Conduct policy and, if warranted, shall decide whether to impose:
Written or Verbal Reprimand
A reprimand is an admonition to the student to cease and desist from conduct determined to violate the Standards of Conduct. Written reprimands may become part of a student’s permanent record at the college.
Disciplinary Probation
Disciplinary probation becomes necessary when the student engages in behavior that the institution deems unacceptable. Requires the student to sign a contract to acknowledge that he/she shall remain on campus as long as he/she remains free from any future violations of the standards of conduct policy. The probationary period lasts as long as the student is enrolled at the college.
Removal from Class
Any instructor may order a student removed from his or her class for the day of the removal and the next class meeting. The student shall not be returned to the class following the period of the removal without meeting with the Executive Dean of Student Affairs and Equity and with the concurrence of the instructor.
Short-term Suspension
Exclusion of the student by the Executive Dean of Student Affairs and Equity for good cause from one or more classes for a period of up to 10 consecutive days of instruction.
Long-term Suspension
Exclusion of the student by the Executive Dean of Student Affairs and Equity for good cause from one or more classes for the remainder of the school term, or from all classes and activities of the college for one or more terms.
Expulsion of the student by the Board of Trustees from the college indefinitely.
In some instances, the Executive Dean of Student Affairs and Equity may order the immediate suspension of a student where immediate suspension is required to protect lives or property and to ensure the maintenance of order.
The Executive Dean of Student Affairs and Equity may also notify any person for whom there is a reasonable belief that the person has willfully disrupted the orderly operation of the campus that consent to remain on campus has been withdrawn.